Monday 20 June 2016

Rock climbing and abseiling

Last week we went rock climbing and abseiling I was super nervous about everything I was going back in my head about the likelihood of the rope snapping or me falling to my death but I knew that I was just worrying too much. I was the first person down the abseil my main reason was because I wanted to get it over and done with but when I was down the bottom I wanted to go down again, it felt like I had just come off a rollercoaster. 

Next, we had the rock climbing I was really excited for this because I had been rock climbing heaps before this and I loved it I started with the hardest one first mainly because there were other people on the easy one when I got half way up I thought holy moly as I looked down on the sea crashing against rocks, I thought I couldn't get any higher that it was impossible but I thought as though if I made it to the top that I would get another abseil and that is what motivated me.

I loved the thrill that came with rock climbing and abseiling and it was a great experience that I will never forget.            

1 comment:

  1. ...and that 'thrill' will stay with you for the rest of your life. You were clearly nervous on the abseil but showed great composure to not let those nerves crush you. You were like a monkey on the rock climb! I hope you get as much out of the future challenges as you got out of this!
