Thursday, 26 May 2016

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Thursday, 19 May 2016

pervasive writing

Dear editor, I strongly believe that Greymouth needs more colour it's boring as you might as seen there has been a patch of grass that has recently been put in near the floodwall along with a beautiful painting on the wall every time I drive past I think WOW why can't the whole of Greymouth look like this.

Firstly the name Greymouth now I am not saying that we should change it but it sort of sums up Greymouth GREY if we bring some colour to Greymouth we will not be known as “boring old Greymouth”. If you have ever been to Wellington or Nelson you will know that they are filled with beautiful street art why can't Greymouth be this awesome, in Nelson or Wellington people go into town just to look at the street art which they will more than likely end up buying a drink or going to have a look in the shops this means if we have some street art it will attract more tourists.

It is also not just boring for the tourists that come here but it is extremely boring for the people that live in Greymouth. wouldn't it just be great if we had a playground or something to play on in town something with colour it would be great for all the tourists that come off the train to stop and have lunch, and this is why I strongly believe Greymouth needs more colour?
Yours sincerely
Reed Johnson

Monday, 16 May 2016


Today we were doing the run and we were told since it was a bit stormy we could go as far as we possibly could, of course, that's when I thought oh I am going to do the short run because today I just can't be bothered and I have a sore heel but really I should have done the long I am really disappointed in myself because I could have gone, father but I was just being lazy.when we got back from the run I thought long and hard I have got it easy there are lots of other people in the world that have to do way harder stuff than what I am doing and sometimes you just got to do something you don't like,I really want to try hard on the run now even if that means feeling a little sick afterwards I really regret the decision that I made and now will think harder about what I do.

Thursday, 12 May 2016