Tuesday 30 June 2020

Desk Review

I am using a desk review to check my questionnaire survey, I am wanting to check that my survey is not biased and is easy to understand. After completing my survey I went over the questions that I completed in my survey and went over which questions need to be worded different or even taken out to make my survey more helpful to use. I identified that I needed to change the instructions at the top of my survey, clearly identifying the purpose and instructions for filling the survey in. I also added in three more questions at the top of my survey because I hadn't questions that focused on the person doing the survey, for example, one of the questions I added in was, what age are you? and had options from 0-100 years.

Needs fixing
Purpose is clear

Meaningful title

Instructions given

Target Population identified and screened for

For each question:
Does the question meet the purpose?

Question is clear, easy to understand

All possible answers are catered for 

Short sentences

Instructions given where appropriate
ie  tick all that apply or tick one only

Spelling, grammar are correct

Appropriate language and style

Tuesday 16 June 2020

sructure and design of my survey

i am beginning to design my survey questions this document shows the key ideas I need to include in my survey.
the graphic identifies a key point from statistics NZ website and it shows the methodology for designing my survey, my poster shows my key points and ideas I got from this survey. the infographic shows and identifies most of the key points I will think about when designing my questions.

Thursday 11 June 2020

Types of questions AS91263

three things to consider when writing questions is, correct spelling, short questions, keep the language simple, be realistic as to what people are going to remember. is should consider using open and closed questions and notice what they are good for.one of my objectives is to find out is to find the k9nds of people visiting this site. did they find what they were looking 

Wednesday 10 June 2020

AS91263 Questionnaire design purpose

 This is a scenario for my maths assessment. The purpose of the website I am investigating is to show What is involved in Franz Joseph hot pools, I have been asked by the owners of this business to conduct a questionnaire, the purpose being to find out if the Franz Josef hot pools website is suitable and easy to access for all costumers, the target population for this website is costumers of the Franz Josef Glacier hot pools, this includes both domestic and international tourists. i am going to give a link to my website so that all people can assess it and give feedback. 

Thursday 9 August 2018

This Weeks Reflection.

This week in English and P.E we research and played two new Maori based games called Ki o Rahi and Horohopu. Horohopu is a game played in two teams and a big dice that is kinda like a ball this game was super fun and hard because you had to catch the ball with a flat hand and I kept on dropping it. The second game that we played was Ki o Rahi which seemed very complicated at the start but then we got a hang of it and it was very fun as well. Both of these games were new to me and were very fun to learn about a culture in New Zealand. 

Thursday 2 August 2018

Kabaddi and Lacrosse

This week in English and p.e we researched two new games called Kabaddi and Lacrosse and then we played them in P.E. Firstly in English we had to see if a website is credible by choosing one new sport and finding a trustworthy website about it, I researched Korfball.  Yesterday we learned how to play Kabaddi, Kabaddi in a sport that is from the origin of India paid by teams of seven it is a contact sport and is a little bit like the bulrush, when we played we had to change the rules because we had to play it with no contact. Today we played lacrosse, Lacrosse is a team sport originated from North America were they use these sticks with nets on the end to grab the ball and pass it to your teammates, the aim of the game is to get the most goals. I am very happy to have learned two new games this week and both games I really enjoyed. 

Thursday 26 July 2018

English and P.E

This week in English and P.E we researched and played a sports activity called Palin. Palin is played in Argentina and Chile and is played with sticks that are more curved at the bottom (like hockey sticks), We went down to the beach and found sticks for all of our class that where like the ones they use. Next we had to figure out the rules of the game, which we had to guess a few because the rules are not clear, Next we played the game in P.E which was very fun it was a new experience for all of our class and it was good to experience some sports that other cultures play. A challenge we experienced this week was that Palin is played in a 200m by 12m wide field and we couldn't find any fields that big so we had to just use a much shorter field. This week I have learned a new sport that I enjoy from another culture.